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 Dr. Erik Kowalke - SKED


Hey, Platinum Family

If you’re like most chiropractors, you are wondering how to keep your patients on track with their adjustments during the holidays and still reactivate those patients who have been M.I.A. for the last couple of months. Having control over your schedule is important but allowing your patients the flexibility to view and manage changes on the go is essential!

Did you know that the average person spends 5-6 hours a day on their phone? 

You are missing the mark if you are not giving them that flexibility with your office. (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1224510/time-spent-per-day-on-smartphone-us/) 

Steps you can take this busy holiday season to increase patient visits:

  1. Give your patients a convenient way to manage their schedule from the palm of their hand  (Use the SKED app & still control your schedule with all the customized settings)
  2. Make small tweaks to the way you schedule your patients to allow for more visits after school and during busy times
  3. Include GIFs in your automated text messages to keep patients engaged and reading your messages (websites like ezgif.com provide an easy way to create these)
  4. Send out holiday-themed reactivation messages to your patients and make them smile

SKED will make these steps easier for you and your team by giving you access to your calendar  from anywhere in the world. Imagine viewing your schedule from home Sunday night, so you don’t walk into any surprises Monday morning (SKED takes your server-based EHR to the cloud). Most families plan out their week on Sunday & the SKED app will allow them to move their appointments to a more convenient time. This means no more Monday mornings spent in the office listening & responding to loads of voicemail messages from the weekend of patients who need to change their appointment times.

You will gain back hours each week of your time  by using SKED to streamline your front desk. This means you can see more patients and create the best in-office experience for them! We love setting up hot chocolate bars, offering hot apple cider, fall and holiday-themed snacks, and cheerful holiday decor around the office! 

When you create the best environment and your patients love coming in, they will refer you to their family and friends. 

BONUS: If you’re looking for more ways to leverage technology in your office then you will want to join our NEW Facebook group that launched November 28, 2022 - “Leveraging TIC”! 

We will be hosting different events, speakers, and webinars, and discussing all things technology related in the chiropractic office. You don’t want to miss this! 

Click the link to join and share this with your colleagues.


Leveraging TIC was created to educate Chiropractors on how to solve top problems offices face in order to dynamically impact the way Chiropractic offices function.

This group will aim to create connections between offices and their practice members by facilitating communication through technology. Our aim will be to provide value to the chiropractic industry through innovative, authentic, and practical technology so you can better serve your patients. We can’t wait to see you in the group!


Platinum System


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Office Hours
7:30am - 9:00pm EST M-Th
7:30am - 6:00pm EST F

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