The amount of time you spend on the routine tasks that you do every day can really add up. If you don’t have the most efficient tools and practices in place, you could be losing anywhere from 20 to 80 hours each month.
However, it can be difficult to evaluate how efficiently your practice is currently operating when you’re busy trying to keep up with patients and the everyday tasks of running a practice. But the reality is that the level of your productivity depends on everything you and your staff do, from the time you turn on the lights in the morning to the time you lock the door at the end of the day. Assessing your procedures is important in order to increase efficiency. For example:
These are just a few considerations to take into account when you’re evaluating the productivity of your practice. Are you and your staff functioning as effectively and efficiently as possible? Take our free quiz to find out.
See for yourself why 99% of doctors stay with Platinum System for the life of their practice by watching a free demo, or by trying the software free for 30 days, no credit card required. To discuss how Platinum System might serve the unique growth needs of your practice, contact us online, or call us at 888-808-4898.
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