When you think about chiropractic, credit card processing may not be the first thing that comes to mind, especially if you’re just starting out in the business. It is, however, one of those things that can become a major headache, as well as a huge expense.
Designed by a team with generations of chiropractic knowledge between them, Fortis is designed with the chiropractic practice in mind. One of the things that sets them apart from their competitors is the way recurring billing is set up. Many credit card processing companies require that you delete a customer’s information and start again if you need to make any changes to a recurring payment, but Fortis allows you to edit the payment method easily. You can also:
Fortis' system often saves chiropractors 15-20% when it comes to credit card processing fees.
When it comes to integrating with Platinum, Fortis makes things as simple as possible. If you’re running a payment in Platinum, the two systems are “always talking,” according to Fortis co-founder Jonathan McAlees. Payments will auto post to Platinum because Fortis has the patient ID, which updates the care plan in Platinum. And if you’re switching over from a different EHR to Platinum, the data transfer process is also simple.
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Fortis recently partnered with John Davila, CEO of Custom Chiro Solutions, to help chiropractors stay in compliance. Custom Chiro’s compliant care calculator integrates with Fortis, which allows you to set up your CPT codes, create and reuse templates, and set up recurring payments within that system.
They’ve also integrated an inventory platform, which tracks inventory of things like vitamins and bundles.
While McAlees is not a chiropractor himself, he helped design the system for his brother, who is. His father is as well, and it was his journey that inspired his sons.
McAlees' father was training in hand-to-hand combat in Vietnam when he was struck in the head, causing him to flip upside down and pass out cold. His injuries were progressive and severe, leaving him wheelchair bound and discharged from the military.
While most surgeons and doctors prescribed medication or surgery, his mother's chiropractor saw things different. After getting adjusted every day, he was riding a bike after 6 weeks and walking within a year. It's what keeps his family dedicated to the practice, and what offers McAlees the insight to create a system that truly works for chiropractors, allowing them to focus on what's important — people. Watch the full video above to hear the story.
For more information about Fortis, you can email platinum@fortispay.com or call 855-465-9999. To find out more about how Platinum can help your practice thrive, book a demo!
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