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Did you know that text messages have a response rate that’s 8x higher than email? Or that customers are more likely to respond to a text message than any other type of communication?


Wow, that’s crazy. ????


Prioritizing an effective way to text message your patients can make ALL the difference in your patient retention efforts and overall patient experience. 


As one of the leading Chiropractic Scheduling Software Companies, SKED enables you to effectively and efficiently communicate with patients via two-way texting. ????


Here are some of the highlights:


SKED allows you to send text messages to your patients directly from your office landline number.

Why this is important: Patients won’t need to keep track of multiple phone numbers when attempting to contact your practice. They can text AND call you at the same number, just like they would with their friend or family member. 


All text messages are managed in your SMS inbox within your SKED admin. 

Why this is important: There’s no need to track messages from a mobile device or internet phone service. Your CA can send and receive messages from the same system that’ll manage your scheduling, client files, appointment reminders, reviews, patient care plans, and pretty much everything else you need to run your practice with ease. 

You can set up automated text messages to go out to your patients - simply respond to them only when necessary.

Why this is important: Automated text messages save you and your team TONS of time. Someone’s running late to an appointment? SKED will automatically send a text message asking them if they’re on the way or if they need to reschedule their appointment. If they respond to the automated message, a notification will pop up in your inbox for your team to take action if necessary. 


Convenient/effective communication = improved patient experience = fewer headaches for your team ????


Want to learn more?


Click ➡️HERE ⬅️ to join Leveraging TIC on Facebook. 


Click ➡️HERE ⬅️to schedule a call with a member of the SKED Strategy Team to find out exactly what SKED can do for your office. ????????


Talk to you soon!


  • The SKED Team


Platinum System


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